Chicken & Spaghetti

Cook Time
35 mins
Serving Size
Chicken & Spaghetti


When there aren't any meatballs and all you have is frozen chicken or even left over chicken.


1 (12 ounce) package spaghetti
1 (28 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce
4 chicken leg and thigh (You can use left over chicken or other chicken parts)
olive oil
1/4 cup of garlic or if you want fresh use 3 cloves and mince.
grated Parmesan cheese


Step 1 * If using already cooked chicken skip this step*
Take a pot deep enough so you can cover the chicken with water and it won't boil over. Throw in 2 tablespoons of salt, half of the garlic , 1/4 cup of olive oil let that boil for 30 mins (Cooking time may vary depending different cuts of chicken. Easy way to find out is either to use a thermometer and for it to measure 165 For wait till you can easily pull the bone away from the meat.
Step 2 When it start getting close to the end of 30 mins. In another pot boil your pasta according to package directions and to the texture of your liking.
Step 3 Meanwhile in a microwave safe bowl heat up spaghetti sauce.
Step 4 By this time the chicken should be done. Now debone the chicken with a fork and season to taste with salt, oil, and garlic. Serve sauce over spaghetti; top with chicken and as much Parmesan cheese as desired.
Enjoy!!! :)


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Chicken & Spaghetti

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Chicken & Spaghetti


When there aren't any meatballs and all you have is frozen chicken or even left over chicken.


Cooking Time: 35
Recipes Makes: 4-6
Calories: 570
Carbs: 116
Fat: 4
Protein: 20


1 (12 ounce) package spaghetti
1 (28 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce
4 chicken leg and thigh (You can use left over chicken or other chicken parts)
olive oil
1/4 cup of garlic or if you want fresh use 3 cloves and mince.
grated Parmesan cheese


Step 1 * If using already cooked chicken skip this step*
Take a pot deep enough so you can cover the chicken with water and it won't boil over. Throw in 2 tablespoons of salt, half of the garlic , 1/4 cup of olive oil let that boil for 30 mins (Cooking time may vary depending different cuts of chicken. Easy way to find out is either to use a thermometer and for it to measure 165 For wait till you can easily pull the bone away from the meat.
Step 2 When it start getting close to the end of 30 mins. In another pot boil your pasta according to package directions and to the texture of your liking.
Step 3 Meanwhile in a microwave safe bowl heat up spaghetti sauce.
Step 4 By this time the chicken should be done. Now debone the chicken with a fork and season to taste with salt, oil, and garlic. Serve sauce over spaghetti; top with chicken and as much Parmesan cheese as desired.
Enjoy!!! :)

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