Flat Bottomed Taco Shells

Flat bottom Tacos

Ripen an Avocado quickly by storing it with a Banana

Store Avocados with Bananas to ripen faster

Best way to save an Avocado

Best way to save an Avocado

Use limes as Shot Glasses

Lime shot glasses

Limes help with headaches

Limes help headaches

Don't Store Onions and Potatoes Together

Don't store potatoes and onions together

Lemons Save Avocados

Lemons Save Avocados

Store your Onions in Paper Bag with holes

Make your Onions Last longer with paper bag

Keep tacos standing up with aluminum foil

Keep tacos standing up while you broil cheese

Add Baking soda to caramelize onions faster!

Add Baking soda to caramelize onions faster!

Dicing a whole onion, keep it together by not removing root

Dicing a whole onion, keep it together by not removing root